Delphinus | Blog about swimming with dolphins

Swim with dolphins and learn about the vaquita

Written by Delphinus | Jun 10, 2016 3:00:00 PM

Did you know that the marine vaquita, or cochito from the Gulf of California, is considered the smallest cetacean in the world? Besides you can only find it in the northern part of the Mexican Gulf of California. Even tough it’s such a special and unique specie, today it finds itself in danger of extinction.

Since 1991, this specie was included in the major risk category by the Convention about the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna; in 1994 the Mexican Official Norm NOM-059-ECOL-1994 also classified it as a specie in danger of extinction. 

For this reason, companies like Delphinus try to generate consciousness about the importance of cohabiting with our natural environment in a friendly way, always respecting what surrounds us and understanding our place in the marine ecosystem.

Why is the marine vaquita at risk? 

The main reason why the marine vaquita is at risk is because of the incidental death rate due to shark and totoaba fishing activities, on top of this the alterations to the habitat in which they develop and the contamination, make the risks to the specie’s future even greater.

In 2007, there were 150 vaquitas, in 2014 the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita revealed that there were less than 100. At the beginning of 2016, specialists considered there were less than 50 vaquitas. 

Acting to protect the environment 

At the Ocean’s Festival which ends its activities next June 11th, many conferences and activities are designed to build awareness and understanding around our role in the protection of the environment. 

If you couldn’t assist this year’s incredible event which took place in the South East of Mexico, you’re on time to plan your holidays in Cancun and learn about this incredible event organized by Delphinus that intented to encourage everybody to take on an active role in living in harmony with the environment.

Don’t miss the last weekend of this event!